

譯自沙克的書 "裸體吃芒果"
By Sark, p.30, "Eat Mangoes Naked"

改變的喜悅  "Pleasure of Changing "


Late one night, I walked the labyrinth at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco. I dedicated my walk to "making friends with change, " and cried the whole time.


I cried because I'd been running around, trying to "keep all the lids" on change. Of course, it doesn't work, and new changes were developing all the time! No matter how hard I tried with the lids, stuff kept bubbling out.

對於我所面臨的改變,我花了很多精力在合理化、解釋、抱怨,或是逃避上。 我真的開始了解,我是多麼努力想讓一切維持現狀。

I spent my energy justifying, explaining, complaining about or just avoiding the changes that I was experiencing. I really began to see how avidly I was trying to keep everything the same.


It seemed like if I could just keep enough things the same, then I wouldn't have to change myself, or my views, perspectives, attitudes or beliefs.

這種固執不通的態度,讓我無法享受改變的樂趣。也許當我越能接受改變和歡迎改變時, 我自己就越能改變。

This rigidity was preventing me from experiencing the pleasures of change. Perhaps the more I could accept and welcome change, the more I myself could change.


What if all my resistance to changing was a kind of arrogance about the movements of the universe?


That if I distrust change, then I am in effect distrusting the universe!


I cling so hard to all of my little systems and processes.

I find such pleasure in my routines. I am bound by my ideas of time and life.


I want to declare my life to be one big experiment!

I want to relish and welcome change, seek out change and find the pleasure in that. I want to be a gifted quick change artist.


I want to be able to find the safety within the changes, or change my ideas about safety!


Here is my letter to change:



Dear Change,

I've previously been very afraid of you. You weren't welcome in my home, and I spoke badly about you behind your back. I resisted you, avoided you, and made fun of you.


I want to change our relationship. I want to learn to cultivate and respect you, dance with you and take you out to dinner.


Let's travel together! Will you be my everlasting friend?


Love, Susan
