

"How Much Joy Can You Stand?" pp.40-41
書名: 你能承受多少喜悅
作者: Suzanne Fralter-Barns

The Boring Truth about Living your Dream

美夢成真: 枯燥無趣的真實面

The popular belief is that inspiration "strikes" us like a lightning bolt from the sky.Actually, it's the other way around.


In reality, we strike inspiration much the way miners strike gold. By ceaselessly working, reworking and reworking the old territoy, sooner or later we'll run into a little nugget of something wonderful, something better.


The more we dig, the more we'll find until--if we're very lucky and very persisitent--we hit the mother lode.


In reality, creative work is no different from swinging a pick. For every day of incredible divine intervention, there are porbably ten spent sifting through the dirt.


This is the bad, boring news about going after what you want: just like any job, there are many times when the work is unexceptional, difficult, and downright demanding.


Yet these are also the days when you hunker down and keep on doing because there simply isn't any other way to get where you are going.


And herein lies the difference between the average dreamer and the person who goes after their dreams.


The successful person is willing to put up with the hard work beause inside of it he finds a joy like nothing else on earth.


But the average dreamer does not know this joy yet.
The average dreamer finds his joy in tangible rewards and gets stopped when he realizes all that hard work may ultimately "be for nothing."



As you climb inside the fantastic nautilus of your creation, you begin to understand why Zen masters spend entire lifetimes perfecting the tea ceremony.

It is the sheer poetry of creating something from nothing and working on it until it is truly and absolutely right that ultimately keeps you coming back.


This is the magic that can only be born of hard work, and this, ultimately is realizing your dream.

