作者 B. Goldberg
Diving In{跳水}
Diving is a form of free writing. The word or phrase with which you begin is your jumping-off point. Once you write it, let it take you anywhere it wants to; follow it faster than the speed of understanding. You are descending through the waters of your mind, leaving logic and propriety behind for the sake of exploration.
It can be a challenge the first few times. You'll be tempted to come up for air (pause to reread what you've just written), adjust your gear (stop to fret over grammar, punctuation, and spelling), check your oxygen supply (censor what emerges). It takes practice to let of and trust the fluid world of your thoughts. When you encounter whale-sized emotions, let them float across the page like clouds as you continue to write. Whatever you do, don't stop writing.
剛開始幾次可能是一大挑戰,你很可能會浮出水面換氣(暫時停下來,閱讀你寫的東西),調整你的裝備(停下來檢查文法、標點或拼字),檢查你氧氣筒量 (批判你的想法)。需要經過一些練習,你才能學會放下,才會信任流動的思想世界。當你碰到像鯨魚般大的情緒時,就讓它像雲朵一樣,飄浮過你的紙頁,你就只是繼續寫。不管你做什麼,都不要停止寫作。
Herman Melville understood the importance of the plunge. He, too, compared writers to divers: "..that whole corps of thought-divers, that have been diving and coming up again with bloodshot eyes since the world began." When you jump in and complete the descent, you emerge bleary-eyes and breathless. You have journeyed far.
作家Herman Melville了解跳入的重要,他也把作家比喻為跳水者。「自創世以來,一群群思想跳水者,跳入水中又帶著充血的眼睛上岸。」 當你跳入水中,下墜,然後浮出水面,你視線模糊,你喘不過氣。但是,在你的旅途中,你已往前邁進了。