‧歷史月刊 2008/02/08
《愛瑪》一書中的威斯頓(Weston)先生,早年就因擔任民團軍官而得以結識並進而娶走富家女。《傲慢與偏見》中的威肯(George Wickham)也作此打算,終因債臺高築與伊莉莎白的么妹狼狽私奔,還有賴其死對頭達西為其善後,包括為他「購得」正規陸軍軍官的職位在內。正規陸軍的規模一向不大,即使在拿破崙戰事的高潮,也不過30萬人,戰事稍稍平息,往往裁到不足10萬。軍官固然大抵出身良好,充員兵的素質只能以悽慘兩字形容,威靈頓公爵就曾大罵他麾下的士兵是「世間的人渣」。
在《理性與感性》中愛琳娜(Elinor Dashwood)與瑪麗安(Marianne)的母親勸愛德華從事專門職業,會比較快樂一點。愛德華答稱他一直喜歡當牧師,可是家人覺得不夠「炫」,推薦陸軍,可是陸軍對他來說實在太炫了,他對法律也沒興趣,至於海軍,在他想到這個選擇時,就已經超齡了。
在《勸導》中羅素夫人(Lady Russell)勸阻安(Anne Elliot)接受孑然一身的Wentworth上校的追求,可是溫渥斯卻自信滿滿,因他即將指揮一艘戰艦,也就等於即將「發財」。戰時凡擄獲敵船一艘,艦長獨得其價值的四分之一,其餘軍官依階級由上向下遞減,連普通水手及艦上的陸戰隊士兵也可共享四分之一。
溫渥斯上校不是以戰績輝煌形容他的第二艘戰艦「勒空你亞」(Laconia)號,而是「賺錢超快速」。當艾略特爵士終於首肯他與安的婚姻時,他的身價已是兩萬五千鎊。在真實生活中,奧斯汀的兄弟法蘭克(Frank)因聖多明哥一役所得而得以結婚,查爾斯(Charles)則將他第一次獲得的獎金購買寶玉十字架送給兩個姊姊,此一幕在《曼斯菲德莊園》中,則轉換成芬妮(Fanny Price)的哥哥威廉送她購自西西里的琥珀十字架。
英國既無力也無須在陸地上與大陸強國一較短長,遂專心發展海軍,而「官兵分紅制」則大大提高了皇家海軍的戰鬥效率,降低其「本益比」。試舉1805年(也就是納爾遜在特拉法加〔Trafalgar〕大破法國、西班牙聯合艦隊之年)的一張真實招兵海報為例,海報一開頭喊一聲「天佑吾王」,就馬上進入正題,「朋友們,裝載著金銀財寶的西班牙大船……正準備駛往歐洲,它們停在維羅港(Portovelo)只有幾天,這樣的機會不會再有」,接著是斗大的字體,「飛快的佩樂思(Pallas)號,(裝備)36門砲,停在普里茅斯(Plymouth)」,底下兩行小字說明「是新銳的巡防艦,為此量身打造,準備好要出征,只待更多的好手加入」,再往下又是大字體亮出艦長名號,「艦長卡克倫勳爵(Lord Cochrane)」,底下括弧內較小字體,「並沒有如報導所說的在阿拉伯(海域)淹死」,接著勸「你越早上船越好……」。倒楣的西班牙寶船果然在亞速群島(Azores)附近被攔了四艘,「飛快的佩樂思」也從此以「金光閃閃的佩樂思」聞名。
強大的海軍不只讓拿破崙對英國本土無可奈何,也保障擴張不止的海外貿易,其中包括產自中國而風靡全英的茶葉。但在奧斯汀的時代,並沒有今天所謂的「下午茶」或「高茶」(high tea)的存在,飲茶的時機僅在早餐及晚餐。
在《曼斯菲德莊園》中艾德蒙進入芬妮的房間,探詢她對他與克勞馥小姐演對手戲的「意見」,要離去時邊翻桌上的一本書邊說:「我不再打擾妳了……我想妳正要出遊中國,馬戛爾尼勳爵(Lord Macartney)進展如何?……」
奧斯汀的小說出版迄今,持續受到讀者的歡迎與討論,電影、電視等新媒體的興起更使她的作品家喻戶曉。以最受歡迎的《傲慢與偏見》為例,除了兩部電影,英國廣播公司已五度將它搬上螢幕。最近的(1995年)一齣,風行至今不衰,其中最為人津津樂道的一幕讓《新聞週刊》評論道:「在他身著溼答答的襯衫(因剛從池塘游泳上岸,此原書所無)大步走下翩柏麗(Pemberley,達西的莊園)修整的草坪(因而與伊莉莎白尷尬重逢)以前,柯林佛斯(Colin Firth,飾演達西)在英國境外尚無藉藉名,現在只要提到他的名字,就會讓從斯德哥爾摩到雪梨的家庭主婦長太息。」
珍奧斯汀小說中的歷史 (上)
from 歷史月刊 2008/02/08
歷史教本既不足恃,奧斯汀的筆下風情倒提供一個深入了解英國社會的窗口。「每個人都有一個價錢」,而這價錢還很具體,這是奧斯汀小說令某些「文以載道」的批評家非難之處。於是讀者在《傲慢與偏見》一開頭就從貝尼特(Bennet)太太口中得知賓利先生年收入四或五千英鎊,至於達西,在第一場舞會現身「未及五分鐘」,年收入一萬鎊的報導也已「遍傳全場」。與此對照的是女主角伊莉莎白的么妹在故事結尾代夫乞援,期待一年三或四百鎊收入的職位,以及《理性與感性》中愛德華(Edward Ferrars)慘遭廢嫡,布蘭登(Brandon)上校雖慨贈其莊園牧師一職,但因年收僅兩百鎊,恐不足以維持婚後開銷。這類的數字看似庸俗,但後人卻得以設身體會當時的社會結構與政經體系,了解中上階層致富的主要途徑仍是繼承與婚姻,以及倚靠兩者所編織起的人際關係。坐擁大片土地的士紳階級(gentry)不但從農業獲得豐厚的收益,也是動見觀瞻的意見與時尚領袖,而他們彼此間的互通聲氣,連同傳統的貴族階級,共同塑造當代的政治風貌。
僅管一般人認為英國人以商立國,連拿破崙都輕蔑地稱其為一群「掌櫃的」(shopkeeper)所組成的國家,但至少在奧斯汀的時代初期,來自土地的財富仍被視為第一等,商人階級多少受人輕視。在《傲慢與偏見》中,貝尼特太太因不是士紳家庭出身,其弟於倫敦經商,連帶五個女兒的家世受到質疑。達西的姨媽德波夫人(Lady Catherine de Bourgh)甚至以達西的莊園將蒙受來自都市的「汙染」為由,反對其與伊莉莎白的婚姻。即使秉性善良的愛瑪伍德毫斯(Emma Woodhouse)小姐(世家出身,身價三萬鎊),在《愛瑪》一書中也不免流露對新富家族柯爾(Cole)的不耐,對艾爾頓(Elton)牧師的「越級」追求,更是充滿「哪根蔥、哪顆蒜」的鄙夷。
當時英國最大的莊園廣達5500平方公里(但大部是蘇格蘭的沼澤地),即使是「入門級」者也至少有400公頃,最富者年收入可達五萬鎊,其中自有不少是世襲貴族(公侯伯子男)。奧斯汀因出身所限(其父為牧師),著作中對這些貴族幾無著墨,真提到了,如《勸導》(Persuasion)一書中的達琳波子爵夫人(Viscountess Dalrymple),也沒什麼好評。因此奧斯汀所描寫的主要還是她所熟悉的社會階層,其中地位最高(但未必最富)者為「從男爵」(baronet),這是詹姆士一世為鬻爵以自肥所獨創的世襲爵位,《勸導》中的艾略特爵士(Sir Walter Elliot)與《曼斯菲德莊園》(Mansfield Park)的柏爾川爵士(Sir Thomas Bertram)皆屬之。其下則為榮銜止其身的「騎士」(Knight),如《傲慢與偏見》中虛有其表的路克斯(Sir William Lucas)。再其下則為無頭銜的地主士紳,他們有些來自古老的世家,如達西,有些人則因偶然繼承或從事其它行業致富,而臻「上流」。
表面看來,英國財富分配極患不均,下階層民眾極少向上提升的可能(雖然機會已比其他歐洲國家大很多),但竟能免於類似法國大革命的悲劇,顯見其典章制度與歐陸諸國大異其趣。正如共產主義宣言起於英國,但糟殃的是其他國家,英國自有一套應付「轉型」社會的本能。其實健康的社會永遠是處於轉型的狀態,停滯不前才是病態,英國貴族早在十三世紀就認清絕對君權之弊,而迫使約翰王簽下大憲章,再經歷無數的內戰與動亂,終使國會成為與國王一樣不可或缺的體制。當臣民可以透過國會制定的法律保障其人身自由與財產時,自不太擔心王位誰屬的問題,不上道的國王(如詹姆士二世)也可換掉,甚而迎立「外來政權」,如漢諾威皇室(The House of Hanover),也無所謂。
What did Jane look like?
The idea source
The Many Faces of Jane does an admirable job of presenting the few images of Jane that exist.
More images are shown in the Jane Austen Ebooks site. As you see, some of them are duplicates from the first site.
The Many Faces of Jane does an admirable job of presenting the few images of Jane that exist.
More images are shown in the Jane Austen Ebooks site. As you see, some of them are duplicates from the first site.
Austen Effusions Jane Odiwe
I am researching on Jane's images and came across this author/artist. I am very glad to find her.
REVIEW: Effusions of Fancy by Jane Odiwe
Filed under: Staff Reviews — Mags @ 10:56 pm
We Janeites tend to be a sentimental lot, even those who like to pretend that they are hard-nosed objective scholars. Every biography of Jane Austen has a chapter on Tom Lefroy and the Mysterious Suitor-by-the-Sea. Let’s face it: we like to think that the woman who created timeless couples such as Lizzy and Darcy and Anne and Wentworth had romances of her own.
Jane Odiwe is no different. Like many Austen scholars, she was unsatisfied with the perception of Jane Austen as a spinster confined to a country life of little incident. Ms. Odiwe’s book, Effusions of Fancy, attempts to show that Jane Austen’s life was one of active enjoyments. The book is a collection of watercolor fantasies of Jane Austen’s young womanhood: traveling, dancing at balls, shopping for fashions and visiting the Pump Room at Bath, writing her novels and spending time with her beloved sister, Cassandra. The conceit of the book is that Cassandra has executed these paintings for her sister’s private entertainment, accompanied by letters purporting to be from Cassandra. The letters are inconsequential; the true pleasure of the book comes from the lovely illustrations.
Ms. Odiwe draws inspiration from the existing images of Jane, both the acknowledged and the disputed: she produces her own versions of Cassandra Austen’s two watercolors of Jane, as well as the famous silhouette and the infamous Rice portrait, acknowledging that the provenance of the latter is questionable. We have long suspected that the Austenian scholars who insist that the Rice portrait truly portrays the adolescent Jane Austen are at least partially motivated by dislike for Cassandra’s watercolor of Jane. Ms. Odiwe has redone that watercolor as an image of a young, pretty Jane with blooming cheeks and fashionably styled hair, her spinster’s cap not yet assumed. We are extremely fond of Cassandra Austen’s watercolor, and find Ms. Odiwe’s reimagined version of it delightful.
The book is a treat for those of us who love Georgian and Regency style. Ms. Odiwe shows knowledge of and appreciation of the fashions of the time. The artist has a light and delicate touch; gauzy wraps droop delicately from the elbows of pretty women clad in flowing gowns, curly tendrils of hair brushing their shoulders as they dance (and exchange meaningful glances) with handsome and dapper men.
The drawings in the book (and some others) also are available as note cards, packaged with their envelopes into individual cellophane packets, and are almost too pretty to use. One finds oneself saving them for most special notes to fellow Janeites who will appreciate them properly. The book is beautifully presented, tied in a blue and silver ribbon with a hangtag showing one of the illustrations. It is a perfect gift for a Janeite and a lovely publication to treasure.
Effusions of Fancy and the illustrated note cards are available through Jane Odiwe’s Web site, www.austeneffusions.com, as well as Amazon.co.uk, and in the U.S. through Jane Austen Books and from Gail Parker at teawithelizabeth AT aol DOT com (that’s an e-mail address; read it out loud! Your purchase through that outlet benefits JASNA’s Minnesota region).
REVIEW: Effusions of Fancy by Jane Odiwe
Filed under: Staff Reviews — Mags @ 10:56 pm
We Janeites tend to be a sentimental lot, even those who like to pretend that they are hard-nosed objective scholars. Every biography of Jane Austen has a chapter on Tom Lefroy and the Mysterious Suitor-by-the-Sea. Let’s face it: we like to think that the woman who created timeless couples such as Lizzy and Darcy and Anne and Wentworth had romances of her own.
Jane Odiwe is no different. Like many Austen scholars, she was unsatisfied with the perception of Jane Austen as a spinster confined to a country life of little incident. Ms. Odiwe’s book, Effusions of Fancy, attempts to show that Jane Austen’s life was one of active enjoyments. The book is a collection of watercolor fantasies of Jane Austen’s young womanhood: traveling, dancing at balls, shopping for fashions and visiting the Pump Room at Bath, writing her novels and spending time with her beloved sister, Cassandra. The conceit of the book is that Cassandra has executed these paintings for her sister’s private entertainment, accompanied by letters purporting to be from Cassandra. The letters are inconsequential; the true pleasure of the book comes from the lovely illustrations.
Ms. Odiwe draws inspiration from the existing images of Jane, both the acknowledged and the disputed: she produces her own versions of Cassandra Austen’s two watercolors of Jane, as well as the famous silhouette and the infamous Rice portrait, acknowledging that the provenance of the latter is questionable. We have long suspected that the Austenian scholars who insist that the Rice portrait truly portrays the adolescent Jane Austen are at least partially motivated by dislike for Cassandra’s watercolor of Jane. Ms. Odiwe has redone that watercolor as an image of a young, pretty Jane with blooming cheeks and fashionably styled hair, her spinster’s cap not yet assumed. We are extremely fond of Cassandra Austen’s watercolor, and find Ms. Odiwe’s reimagined version of it delightful.
The book is a treat for those of us who love Georgian and Regency style. Ms. Odiwe shows knowledge of and appreciation of the fashions of the time. The artist has a light and delicate touch; gauzy wraps droop delicately from the elbows of pretty women clad in flowing gowns, curly tendrils of hair brushing their shoulders as they dance (and exchange meaningful glances) with handsome and dapper men.
The drawings in the book (and some others) also are available as note cards, packaged with their envelopes into individual cellophane packets, and are almost too pretty to use. One finds oneself saving them for most special notes to fellow Janeites who will appreciate them properly. The book is beautifully presented, tied in a blue and silver ribbon with a hangtag showing one of the illustrations. It is a perfect gift for a Janeite and a lovely publication to treasure.
Effusions of Fancy and the illustrated note cards are available through Jane Odiwe’s Web site, www.austeneffusions.com, as well as Amazon.co.uk, and in the U.S. through Jane Austen Books and from Gail Parker at teawithelizabeth AT aol DOT com (that’s an e-mail address; read it out loud! Your purchase through that outlet benefits JASNA’s Minnesota region).
例如在英文書上常看到diamond sutra 居然不是鑽石經 而是金剛經
今天認真查一查 得到以下的資料 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diamond_Sutra
The Buddhist text known around the world as the Diamond Sutra is a short Mahayana sutra of the Perfection of Wisdom (S. prajna-paramita) genre, which teaches the practice of the avoidance of abiding in extremes of mental attachment.
A copy of the Diamond Sutra, found among the Dunhuang manuscripts in the early 20th century, is, in the words of the British Library, "the earliest complete survival of a dated printed book."
例如在英文書上常看到diamond sutra 居然不是鑽石經 而是金剛經
今天認真查一查 得到以下的資料 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diamond_Sutra
The Buddhist text known around the world as the Diamond Sutra is a short Mahayana sutra of the Perfection of Wisdom (S. prajna-paramita) genre, which teaches the practice of the avoidance of abiding in extremes of mental attachment.
A copy of the Diamond Sutra, found among the Dunhuang manuscripts in the early 20th century, is, in the words of the British Library, "the earliest complete survival of a dated printed book."
今天在Barnes and Noble書店的bargain book 處買到Jane Austen An Illustrated Treasury ,是因為讀到一位美國珍迷網友的介紹, 太感謝了,我在公立圖書館借了珍奧斯汀小說有聲書,聽了以後才知道是摘錄版,令我好生失望,去亞馬遜書店看到有珍奧斯汀三本小說有聲書合集,說是全足本,我也許有一天會買來聽。
她的電影都看過了,註解本也看了一些 ,網站上也有很多報導,我萌生去英國旅遊的念頭,也已經有人專門提供服務了,也許有一天我能帶團去呢。
小說也自己在翻譯,一句句交談,用聽的有不同的體會,我打算把小說名稱改為「驕傲與偏見」,伊麗莎白的小名譯成「麗麗」。我也在學習flash ,就正在用動畫來介紹作者的一生。
不知有多少人像我一樣這樣熱愛珍奧斯汀, 一定不少。
她的電影都看過了,註解本也看了一些 ,網站上也有很多報導,我萌生去英國旅遊的念頭,也已經有人專門提供服務了,也許有一天我能帶團去呢。
小說也自己在翻譯,一句句交談,用聽的有不同的體會,我打算把小說名稱改為「驕傲與偏見」,伊麗莎白的小名譯成「麗麗」。我也在學習flash ,就正在用動畫來介紹作者的一生。
不知有多少人像我一樣這樣熱愛珍奧斯汀, 一定不少。
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