Creativity and EQ by Joshua Freedman
- 選一天為顛倒日,一開始就把晚餐當早餐吃。
- 用影印機或電腦來放大小的東西,縮小大的東西,作成一幅拼貼畫。
- 探索如何把兩個以上的點子組合在一起。
- 問孩子或任何人開放性的問題,避免問封閉性的問題。開放性的問題是沒有單一或正確的答案的,比如說,你問:「今天有什麼有趣的事嗎?」而非「你今天過的有趣嗎?」
- 玩腦力遊戲,比如說,如果….那麼…. 的遊戲。這需要你願意去自由思考,所以你要練習對任何點子,都不要排斥。要克制自己,不要說「這個想法太可笑了」,或說「那是一個很笨的問題。」
- 上網玩個遊戲,在使用連結時,不要依照所提供的資訊來連結,而是用連結的第一個字母來搜尋,看你會找到什麼隨機而有趣的網站。
- 使用你喜歡的字辭,來創造你自己的磁鐵詩。在做招牌的店舖,你就可買到可自粘的磁鐵紙來做。
- 辦一個茶會或活動,每個客人要從書本、電影或其他媒體中,選一個角色來扮演。
When we want to help a child learn something challenging, then, perhaps most of all, it is time for some creativity.
Fear and distress activate the limbic system at the base of our brains. This shuts off the cerebral cortex, where creativity and problem-solving live. Love is the antidote to fear and the wellspring of creativity.
- Have a backwards day, beginning by having dinner for breakfast.
- Use a copier or computer to enlarge small objects and shrink big ones. Make a collage.
- Explore how two or more ideas can be put together.
- Ask your child, or anyone else, open-ended questions rather than closed ones. An open-ended question does not have a single or "right" answer; for instance, "What was interesting in your day?" instead of "Did you have a good day?"
- Play mental games like "what if...." These require a willingness to think freely, so you need to practice not closing the door on ideas. Resist ever saying, "Don't be silly!" or "That's a stupid question."
- Get on the Internet and play a game where you follow links not based on what information is presented, but on the first letter of the link. See what random and amusing sites you find.
- Make your own "magnetic poetry" using favorite words. You can buy a self-adhesive magnetic sheet from many sign-making shops.
- Have a tea party or an event where each guest plays the part of a character from a book, movie, the media, or other realm.